For all the benefits of network tv, and money etc. they have issues also. I will address these briefly then fill it out more when I have time. The biggest issues, is getting to evenings that draw the biggest viewership. I am against that. You should not play on a Thursday , then have two days off in the same city only to play again on Sunday. That disrupts the natural flow of the game. I am against that disruption. If you want to tip off on Thursday then take your lumps and play on Sat. The true fans of the game are the ones that are really watching. Do not kid yourself, they will be there. You see this a lot during the baseball playoffs. Its quite simply wrong. So now you have two days off before game 2, then on Tuesday you will play game three in Miami despite flying half way across the US. So that is my opinion, and if you disagree with me, you probably should not be reading my column anyhow.

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