I spent a lot of time fishing this weekend and did not even get to listen to many games, so todays recap will be a little different.
TCU you lost big and make me sad.
Fairly and balanced , Nick Rogers pointed out to me I have not been very nice to Oklahoma State and they have managed to run off three straight wins. OSU you have fantastic fans and have righted your ship.,
Arkansas has fired OC Dan Enos after 6 losses, but I am not sure this helps. Quite honestly you have never , ever been as good as you think you are. You hide behind the so called mighty SEC, but you would be doing these same things if you were in the Big 12, which honestly might be a better fit for you. You play in the only conference in the land that schedules a cream puff around Thanksgiving. FIU and Auburn will be your remaining wins, and honestly at the end of the season of those four wins, three were cream puffs and one was a rebuild.
Texas scated by do to a bad call by Cougar HC Dana Holgerson. Longhorn faithful should send him cards and fruit baskets for Saturday nights bad call.
PSU lost to a very overrated number 3 Ohio State. You let a big win get away from you. They are not that good.
Michigan won huge but once again we still do not know fairly what they have under the hood in the motor city.
UCF tried to get Oklahoma on the road and got damn close. Good job UCF.
At 5-2, Miami should have 6 wins had it not been for a bad call. I have all the confidence these kinds of blunders will not happen again. They beat a so so Clemson team and while they likely will lose to FSU later in the year I see no reason they cannot beat Louisville at the end of the season. I think 9 wins going into the bowl game is a nice little turn around and putting the team on the proper course for Mario C. in year two.
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