Indy Car, I expect Josef Newgarden to win the season title this weekend. He is a hell of a driver, drivers for a hell of a team and is young.

Fishing is at Lake Tenkiller, up in Oklahoma, I expect 15 pounds a day will get you a W, or close to it. Watch out for Fort Worth’s Chris Zaldain .

College football, there are a few games of note, Georgia I suspect will be ND easily.
Michigan Wisconsin should be a good game and it pains me to say it but I think Wisconsin may win.
Watch my Horned Frogs, as they beat SMU, if they do not tune in Saturday night to watch me cry.
Do not be surprised if the Aggies beat or at least make it close against Auburn. Kyle Field is a tough place to play.
In case you wonder what I think of Nick Saban crying because Alabama has early games, he is a cry baby, and he is paid to be a cry baby. It is his job to defend his team , even when we all know it is totally self serving. Remember a couple of years ago he was crying the blues about the spread attack and how the no huddle was setting defenders up for injury by not getting in place fast enough ? Funny he should cry about that, but not give a damn that those fat ass 300 plus pound lineman of his will never see age 50 because of heart attacks, and what not.

As always I will be in my battleship or on the banks at Ray Roberts, and possibly Bonham state park throwing my highly successful Texas Rigged Worm. Look for a story on here soon about my love affair with the Texas Rigged Worm and how it has led to an outstanding 2019 season.

Let’s Go Astros and everyone down there stay dry during these storms.

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